As a young child, I whistled a lot and still often do. My father has always been a whistler so I presume it was due to his carefree whistling about the house, in the car or wherever. I believe these early days of whistling may represent some of my earliest compositions, so to speak. Not that I realized what I was doing, but I don’t recall having heard before the tunes I whistled so much as just whistling them freely. That seemed to be what whistling was about, just a little song like the birds would do. So today I share with you a few videos of some absolutely fantastic whistlers. Nothing like a good day of whistling adventures.
Roger Whittaker – Finnish Whistler
Ralph “Whistler” Giese on Kelly & Company 1984
Hacki Tamás – Kék Duna Keringő (Original Video)
This was so entertaining. Makes me feel alright to whistle. I’m thinking of Deborah Kerr whistling a “happy tune” in The King and I. I’m imagining that the spaghetti western music could have been done by whistle.
DJ Riko has a pretty sweet mix of whistling that you might like too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1RdRY6cPMM